ARSINOE (Horizon 2020 Project)

ARSINOE (Horizon 2020 Project)

The ARSINOE (climAte ReSIlient regioNs thrOugh systEmic solutions and innovations) Project, starting in October 2021 and for the next four years will develop a methodological framework for the combination of Systems Innovation Approach with the Climate Innovation Window to built an ecosystem under a three-tier approach: (a) integration of multi-faceted technological, digital, business, governance and environmental aspects with social innovation for the development of adaptation pathways to climate change, and meeting EU Green Deal targets for specific regions; (b) linkage with CIW to form innovation packages, and matching innovators with end-users/regions; (c) fostering the ecosystem sustainability and growth with cross-fertilization and replication across scales, at European level and beyond, using appropriate business models and exploitation actions.

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